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Robert Hensel has 4 Published Articles. Profile has been viewed 1268 times.

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Mac Mortgage Approval Corp.,
2233 Burrard Street #309,
Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver,
V6J 3H9, 604-676-3583
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Based in Vancouver, MAC - Mortgage Approval Corp is an equity lender specialises in providing real estate loans to property owners. As the licensed mortgage broker, we have already funded over $100 million in private mortgage loans throughout the country, and we are dedicated to helping borrowers get the best mortgage rates on first, second and third mortgages. We work extensively with private individuals, corporate clients and mortgage brokers who are looking for private mortgage loans for their own customers, and we’re always happy to offer small wait times and quick, friendly service. To know more about our services, call (604) 676-3583 or visit
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Finance (2) Mortgage (2)